published on September 09, 2024 in devlog
Michi presents the progress on the GTWI
command and the community translations.
Michi (molp)
I got pretty distracted with the recent maintenance release and the ongoing community translations and barely had time to work on the gateway information feature.
Nonetheless, I want to show its current status. In the video below you'll see the GTWI
command and a map to get an idea where the possible gateway destinations could lie.
First of all I select the YK-590 system. A location is required for the command to work. In the parameters section we can also specify what upgrades are planned.
Once we hit calculate the "Specifications" and "Building costs" sections get new data based on the selected parameters. The "Building costs" section is further divided into the gateway's base cost, the costs of additional upgrades and a total.
The "Reachable Systems" section has a list of all systems that are in reach, meaning that the gateway could potentially be connected to a gateway in one of these systems. Hovering over a system name will show a highlight on the map.
Once I add two additional distance upgrades the reach extends over the empty sectors into the HM sector.
It is also possible to simulate established gateways. In that case the button "established" has to be selected, and it is possible to specify the amount of upgrades the gateway has received in the past. The building costs will only include additional upgrades in that case, omitting the base costs.
The work on the community translations continues! Here's a screenshot from our translation tool showing the progress:
I deployed the latest translations today, but due to a technical issue it is still not possible to switch to the simplified Chinese and brazilian Portuguese languages. I hope to fix that later this week!
As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!
Happy trading!