Gateway Information - Development Log #447

The summer heat has Germany in its grip and most of the team is on vacation. We'll most likely skip next week's devlog and be back the week after.

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Michi (molp)

This week I finished the implementation of the infrastructure construction motion and its associated contract conditions. I wrote a bit about them in last week's devlog.

Since building a gateway project will be a huge undertaking we decided that we want to have a handy command that allows to play around with the parameters of a potential gateway. That way governments can make informed decision before starting a construction project.

The command is called Gateway Information GTWI and here is a very early work in progress screenshot:

Gateway Information command GTWI

The first part allows to enter the gateways parameters: If it is established or not, the amount of existing capacity, volume and distance updates as well as the planned upgrades. The actual location is still missing. The command will then take these parameters and calculate the gateway specifications.

"Uses per day" is the amount of outgoing jumps that are possible in a sliding 24h window.

"Maximum ship volume" determines the maximum volume a ship can have to pass through the gateway.

"Fuel storage capacity" tells how many units of fuel the gateway can store before it needs refueling. This fuel will be a new kind of fuel that is required to operate a gateway.

"Linking radius" gives the maximum distance in parsecs that can be reached with the gateway.

The last section will show a list of all systems and planets that could be reached by the gateway and will be a major factor in the decision to which other gateway to link to.

Please note that the screenshot lacks a section for the actual building costs of the specified gateway.

We strive to release the GTWI before the actual gateway feature release, so you can give it a try. It will take some time though, since we need to implement quite a few things before the command can be used properly.

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!