Construction Motion - Development Log #446

In this devlog we describe how a government can use an infrastructure construction motion to form a contract with a player to develop an infrastructure project.

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Michi (molp)

As stated in my last devlog, building and owning infrastructure will be limited to governments as first, before opening up to corporations and private companies. Of course that means that governments will need a motion to appoint a contractor for the work as they cannot do it themselves.

This week I started to work on the respective motion template:

infrastructure construction motion template

The goal is to start with the minimum information necessary and add additional parameters as we go. The constructor can be any user the government trusts, even a member of parliament.

Once the template is filled out the motion looks like this. As usual additional motion components can be added.

infrastructure construction motion

Once the motion passes it will create a contract between the government and the constructor. There are three contract conditions.

The first condition is the payment, as specified in the template.

The second condition allows the constructor to start the construction. This will create the construction site storage mentioned in an earlier devlog.

Finally, the last condition is an auto-fulfilling condition that triggers once the construction has been completed.

infrastructure construction contract

We also have the lastest economic report ready for you:

monthly economic report Click the image for the full report

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!