Upgrade Motion - Development Log #459

Michi talks about the three upgradeable parameters of gateways and how to do so via a motion.

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Michi (molp)

I managed to finish the technical foundation of the infrastructure upgrades I described last week #458. The next step is to make the upgrade process available via the user interface. Since gateways are the only infrastructure and infrastructure is managed by governments (at least for the near future), I started working on a motion component for upgrades.

As usual, you can select the motion component from the list of components in the motion command MOTS. It allows selecting a contractor, a price and a currency as well as a deadline.

In case you tried the gateway information command GTWI on the test server or have seen a work-in-progress video, you might already be familiar with how gateways can be upgraded. There are three major parameters:

The capacity defines how many ships can use a gateway in a given 24h sliding window. The default will be 200.

The volume defines a limit as to how big the ships can be to still fit through the gateway. A standard gateway will allow ships up to 1500m³.

Finally, the distance specifies how far a gateway can link with another gateway.

An upgrade motion can be used to upgrade any of these parameters, but there are limits. Capacity can only be upgraded to level 5, volume and distance to level 3 each. The total sum of upgrades can’t exceed 5.

I recorded a work in progress video, showing how the selection might look like.

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!