published on July 25, 2022 in devlog
The Convergence is upon us, and Michi has a new feature to discuss today! Mark your calendars for a live stream on August 4th!
Michi (molp)
Good news! The next release has a name and a date! We'll be releasing Convergence on August 3rd. You can find the changelog in the forums!
I implemented one of the features that will be released with it this week: contract terminations.
Sometimes two partners want to terminate a contract immediately, because the reasons for the contract or its conditions becomes irrelevant. In the past, this has only be possible as long as no condition has been (partly) fulfilled. In this case, the contract just got canceled after the deadline ran out. In any other case, the contract got breached and one party received a hit on their rating.
With contract termination, we will introduce the option to terminate a contract by mutual consent. Any party can send a termination request to the other party. Termination requests are shown in the upper section of a contract, and upon receiving one, a notification is shown. Once the other party sends a termination request back, the contract is marked as terminated. The conditions are handled in the same way as if a breach happened. Payments are written off, provisioned goods are un-provisioned, etc. A terminated contract will not influence the company rating.
Last week I continued to work on the tutorial remakes with our new content contributor, and I'm looking forward to when we can release the first video. I am also gearing up for the new release next week and have been working on content for the website and other outlets. As a way of celebrating the new release, we are going to host a live stream on Thursday, August 4th! Mark your calendars and details about the time and link will be posted in Discord and on social media! We hope you will join us and help us commemorate the launch of Convergence.
As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!
Happy trading!