published on April 23, 2017 in devlog
A picture says more than a thousand words, so without much ado, enjoy our development log number 75, including a first (animated) peek at the ship editor and a brief insight into currency pairs.
This week was still mostly dedicated to contract work, but I did get the technical foundation for currency brokers finished.
We follow the real-world analogy of currency pairs quite closely to make foreign exchange as easy to work with as possible: Each pair consists of a base currency and a quote currency. The base currency determines what you are trading in, the quote currency is what the price is quoted in. A real world example: the quote EUR/USD 1.2345 would mean that one EUR costs 1.2345 USD. While in reality, people seem to stick to a single currency pair for trading (EUR/USD, but not USD/EUR), in PU you will be able to trade both. And it's perfectly legal to use arbitrage between the two to your advantage!
This is the current state of the ship editor prototype:
Building a ship with the prototype of the ship editor.
As you can see, the module list I started last week is almost complete now. It has a small preview image of the module, a name and a description. The yellow bar on the left highlights the currently selected module.
I added a few modules that probably will be in the game later on and created simple placeholder geometries for them. Adding modules to the the blueprint works like this: First a module is selected from the list. The editor then determines where it can be added and displays a small plus icon in the 3d view. The last step is to click on this icon and the module will be added. Similarly a minus icon is shown for all modules that can be removed.
The ruleset determining which modules can be added and where, as well as when a module can be deleted is currently only defined for the few modules we have. We want to create a modular system that scales to bigger ships as well, but I am getting ahead of myself, we'll talk about that in the coming weeks!