The Gates Have Opened – Development Log #198

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With a big release and an even bigger influx of new players, this week has been a massive milestone in Prosperous Universe's history. The team has been very busy beating the drum, making new FAQ, fixing bugs, and creating some exclusive behind the scenes content.

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The final week of the month was packed with work. That work was spread across all our projects, including preparing for and doing a new release of AirlineSim, migrating and upgrading an internal tool we use for localization (not for PrUn, yet) and some end-of-the-month customer stuff.

The work with the most bearing on PrUn was fixing a bunch of annoying teething issues in the beginning of the week. For a major release, the free-to-play release went rather smoothly, but there we still a few bugs that needed to be troubleshooted and fixed. Now the logs are mostly clear of error messages again :-)

Last but not least, our hiring efforts continue and we are preparing the next round of interviews.

That's it from me this week… got to run!

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Julian (Mjeno)

My week has been packed, like Martin's, but it was 100% focused on Prosperous Universe. More specifically, I've been posting, e-mailing, sharing the hell out of our Free 2 Play launch and its trailer. It got picked up by a few MMO-centered websites like MMOHuts and MassivelyOP, and I'm hoping that some YouTubers and streamers will give it a try soon as well. I made an influencer policy page to make it easier for them which is going to be on our website soon.

The best part of the week, of course, has been the big amount of new players coming in. We peaked at 125 active users at once the other day! Thanks a lot to the existing community for helping out; I would've spent most of my time this week answering questions if so many of you hadn't jumped in. Since a lot of questions were repeated over and over, I made an FAQ in the forum to link to. I also added a bot to our Discord server that provides links to the FAQ, the Handbook, and other helpful resources. The bot comes with a leveling system that ranks users by participation on the server, which is quite fun as well.

I spent the weekend making a new behind the scenes video in which I break down the history and thought process behind our new trailer and give some insight into its music and sound design. It's only available on the exclusive comm channels (for planet level supporters or higher). If you are eligible and want to check it out, I linked it in the VIP sections on the forum and Discord.

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!