The Interface
Prosperous Universe is a space economy MMO played entirely through a highly customizable user interface named APEX, which allows you to manage your own spacefaring company viaweb browser on any desktop computer.

To get you accustomed with the interface, APEX has issued learning materials that gradually introduce you to its rich feature set:
This game does not set any goals for you. You decide whether you want to be the richest CEO in the system, a respected political leader, a lone hermit farming a desolate planet, or an explorer scanning the fringes of the known universe. However, everything you do happens through the lens of managing a company with the need to turn a profit. To learn more about each of the game’s mechanics check out the Prosperous Universe Handbook.
New Player Tips
Sell on the Market
Depending on what profession you chose as part of your starting package, you will be able to immediately develop a basic supply chain. Let’s take farming for example: you can use your starting funds to build a farmstead, rig, and food processor to make consumables and sell them on the Commodity Exchange. Every player needs consumables to feed their workforce and with the revenue you can, in turn, build more farming facilities and expand your base. Just make sure you picked a planet that has rich, fertile soil!
Take on Shipping Contracts
While you work on your base, you might have noticed that you have 2 ships just sitting around. Well, that’s pretty convenient. This would be an excellent opportunity to fulfil shipping contracts that other players have posted in Local Markets. Instead of ferrying supplies back and forth to their own bases, some players will pay you to do it for them. This is an excellent way to rake in some serious cash quickly. Remember that this method only works on planets that have a Local Market set up.
Join a Corporation
After you’ve gotten the basics down, you might start getting the itch to expand your little startup. One of the best ways to become familiar with all of the game’s intricacies and form alliances with other players is by joining a corporation. If you later decide to start a second base, which will be quite a bit more expensive than starting your first, you can reach out to your business associates for a loan to help with the startup costs. Members of your corp may decide to lend you funds if you strike a fair bargain. It would be worth your while, since a second base on a new planet may give you access to unique materials that were previously too expensive or difficult to obtain. And while you’re out building your 2nd base, why not look into building a 3rd ship to further increase your mobility around the universe.
Play at your own pace
Play at your own pace
A game that pairs a highly realistic economy with literal rocket science may appear daunting to some. And indeed, mastering complex systems is part of what gets you ahead in Prosperous Universe. However, the ability to play at your own pace is the core of our game design. Your company’s success is not directly tied to your time investment unlike in most browser games. Prosperous Universe doesn't pull any tricks in order to lure its’ players back online when they’re currently trying to go about their busy lives:
No grind. No daily “special” offers. No looming threat of destruction by the hand of others in your absence. You play when you want to play.
A single, player-driven universe
All players share the same, persistent universe. As a result, every single action has the potential to bear a lasting effect on the future of the game. Rather than having NPCs and scripted events shape the course of history, economic and political developments are purely driven by players. At the heart of our vision lies the concept of a closed economic loop. There have been thousands of browser-based sci-fi strategy games before emphasizing military conflict. By contrast, Prosperous Universe is all about the economy and complex player-driven supply chains in which every material has to be either produced or purchased from other player-run companies.
Through its many intertwined features, Prosperous Universe also allows for meaningful, high-level meta game play like forging huge alliances, building lasting empires and waging trade wars by employing diplomacy, strategy and intrigue.
Play for free
The game can be played for free! However, licensees playing for free have to deal with a few restrictions on what their companies can do. Upgrading to PRO is possible at any time by selecting a subscription plan (starting at 8€). Support tier packages are also available that give players in-game perks and PrUn merchandise. This crowdfunding-like system allows early adopters to help fund development and get some great perks in return. Early Access began in early 2021 and will continue until the game officially launches (TBA).
Here we try to answer the most common questions you might have about Prosperous Universe. If you can't find your question answered in the list, feel free to post it on our forums.
Where can I get the game?
Hit the button labeled 'Play now!' at the top right of this page.
I don't understand some aspects of the game. Where can I find more information on game mechanics?
You have several options for obtaining more information about how to play the game. One great tool is the Prosperous Universe Handbook. Another great tool is the Tutorial Videos on our YouTube channel. Lastly, you can always ask other players on our Discord channel or in the in-game help chat.
What is the current status of the game?
Prosperous Universe is currently in Early Access. The goals of Early Access are to build a community early, integrate player feedback and help fund the game's development until the full release.
What comes after Early Access?
The next big steps will be ultimately preparing the game for the full launch (TBA). The single game world will be reset multiple times during Early Access and finally become persistent upon full launch.
Is Prosperous Universe a free-2-play game?
The game can be played for free! However, licensees playing for free have to deal with a few restrictions on what their companies can do. Upgrading to PRO is possible at any time by selecting a subscription plan (starting at 8€, non-renewing). Support tier packages are also available that give players in-game perks and PrUn merchandise. This crowdfunding-like system allows early adopters to help fund development and get some great perks in return.
Why a browser-based game in 2022?
We think that the browser is a very capable gaming platform, available on pretty much every computer and every system in the world. It's the perfect match for the kind of play style we have in mind, allowing people to play from their office or while doing something else without having to download, install and run client software.
Can Prosperous Universe be played on mobile?
A mobile version of Prosperous Universe is out now and can be used as a companion to the desktop version.
Will the game be available on Steam / the Apple App Store / my favorite platform?
First and foremost, Prosperous Universe is a browser-based game, but we are currently working on a Steam version. Other platforms are a low priority for us right now.
My question isn't answered here, where can I ask it?
There are links to our forums and our Discord server at the top of this page. If you prefer e-mail, write to