Asteroid Day 2019 – Development Log #189

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It's been a wild week. After releasing the Locality update on Thursday, the simulogics team spent the weekend at a hotel making plans for the next few months. And of course, it's Asteroid Day today, which means there is a new artwork in town!

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My week was all about the Locality release and preparing for the annual simulogics team meeting close to our HQ in Darmstadt, Germany. Due to this, there isn't all too much to report that you either don't already know or that is of any interest to you. So after two days of meetings, I'll just leave it at this: We have a commercial roadmap for the next 6 to 12 months and it's going to be an exciting ride. :-)

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Julian (Mjeno)

Some weeks are slow, and there is not much to talk about. This has NOT been one of those weeks. However, we've written all about the Locality update here, and most of what we discussed at the team meeting isn't really meant for the public. So since I'm almost falling asleep at my desk right now and nothing I could say would come close to being as awesome as this year's Asteroid Day artwork by our very own* Maciej Rebisz, I'm going to leave it at that. (* CDPR can have a little bit of him, too, I guess.)

In case you don't know, we ask Mac to make an asteroid-themed artwork every year as our contribution to the yearly Asteroid Day event. In this one, small mining ships push rocks into a large processing plant. (Plus, we have hidden some Easter Eggs!)

Asteroid Day 2019

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on the forums!

Happy trading!