Dev Down - Development Log #469

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Unfortunately, Michi got sick this week, but the maintenance release is out!

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Michi (molp)

This was an unexpectedly short week for me: On Wednesday I got sick and spent the rest of the week in bed. I’m better now, looking forward to a productive week!

At least I got some work done at the beginning of the week! We released the first maintenance release of 2025 that introduced the multi-commodity contracts, the 5k/5k huge cargo bay kit and a couple of smaller quality of life improvements and bug fixes. As usual, the release notes can be found in the forums.

The release went well, and we didn't experience any major issues with it. There are a few minor issues for which I created tickets, but nothing that needs to be sorted out immediately.

Before the fever got me, I started to work on the PRO license time gifting feature. I’m not sure if I mentioned it in the devlogs yet, but it is basically a feature that allows to gift another player a part of your PRO license time. I'll write a bit more about it next week, I hope to be able to present a work in progress screenshot as well.

As usual, as it is the first devlog in a new month, here is the monthly economic report:

monthly economic report Click the image for the full report

So far we haven't seen any uptick in BTS production for W and ultimately the new cargo kit, but if I remember correctly there was ample supply on the CX.

As always, we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!