Link Request Received - Development Log #457

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Michi talks about the latest development work on the gateway feature: unlinking gateways and link notifications

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Michi (molp)

This week the work on linking and unlinking gateways continued.

The motion to unlink a gateway is finished and looks like this:

motion to unlink a gateway

Since gateways will be rather expensive, we don't expect that the unlink motion will be used much in the beginning. The first gateways will be build in pairs for sure, but nonetheless, we want to provide the option to change gateway links once the gateway network grows.

Once an unlink motion is passed, the outgoing link will be removed. Incoming link requests stay as they are. Unlinking a gateway thus, doesn’t require both gateway owners to coordinate. The owner of the other gateway will receive a notification though.

Which brings us to the other topic of the week: link related notifications.

I implemented three new notifications:

  • A gateway owner will receive a notification about a new incoming link request
  • A gateway owner will receive a notification about a link removal. It doesn't matter if the link was established or just a link request
  • Players with bases on either side of the gateway link will receive a notification once the link has been established

link related notifications

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!