published on 29. Juli 2024 in devlog
Infrastructure Assets - Development Log #445
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published on 29. Juli 2024 in devlog
The language this post was written in (Englisch) differs from the one you have currently selected (Deutsch) as we do not have a translation available at this time.
Michi gives a high level overview over the infrastructure construction process and shows a work in progress screenshot of the new assets command.
This week I spent most of my time on the technical groundwork that allows to actually build infrastructure projects in general and gateways in particular. Since there is not much to see yet, I'll spare you the technical details and try to keep it high-level.
To construct any infrastructure, three entities in the game are involved: the infrastructure owner, the constructor and the infrastructure itself. In the first version of the feature infrastructure will be owned by the governments. Therefore, we have to distinguish between the owner, who pays for the construction, and the company responsible for actually constructing the infrastructure. For later versions we envision that infrastructure can be owned by corporations or even companies. In the last case the owner and constructor could be the same company.
You can imagine that quite a bit of communication between the owner and constructor is required if they are not the same company. The same goes for the communication between the constructor and the infrastructure itself. For the infrastructure projects we decided that they should be visible publicly right from their start. Infrastructure projects will be rather large, and it might be interesting for other players to see when one starts.
Since we decided that infrastructure is not bound to planetary projects (see devlog from last week), we need a new kind of UI command to navigate to them from an owner's or constructor's perspective. This is why I started to implement a new assets command ASTS
. The ASTS
command will be available in the company and governmental contexts and list projects that are currently in progress as well as finished infrastructure. The command only shows own infrastructure. We'll most likely add a new section to commands like PLI
that lists all infrastructure at the given location, independent of the owner or constructor.
This is what the ASTS
command looks like right now, work in progress:
As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!
Happy trading!