Voting in Progress - Development Log #428

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Michi started working on the voting mechanism and the current economic report marks one year of these reports.

Avatar Michi

Michi (molp)

This week's devlog is a bit late, I had a few days off over Easter.

The new economic report is out and I just noticed, that we are already releasing them for a whole year!

monthly economic report Click the image for the full report

The work on the MOTS command continued. The list now shows the motions' names as well as their current status:

MOTS showing a list of motions

Once motions are ready to be voted on, a member of parliament or the governor can start them. Once the motion enters the voting phase it cannot be changed anymore. The voting phase is 24 hours long. We will add notifications for the members of parliament at a later point.

Motion ready to enter the voting phase

Once the motion is in the voting phase the 'Votes' section at the bottom will show additional information. It has a list of all members of parliament and how they voted. The line corresponding to the current user shows the buttons to vote for or against the motion as well as a button to abstain the vote. Until the voting phase ends, everyone is able to change their vote.

Motion ready to enter the voting phase

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!