Separated Screens - Development Log #409

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This week Michi finished another important item on the context switch list.

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Michi (molp)

The week has been rather short due to a public holiday in Germany, but I still managed to finish another important part of the new context switch feature that we are introducing.

You can read up about the context switch topic in devlogs #405, #406 and #407.

Players can have multiple contexts. The most obvious one is their own company, but they could also be in multiple governments as a member or parliament. For each of these contexts they will need different screens. Having a long list of screens that encompasses all these contexts seems rather cumbersome. Instead, we decided that each context should have its own set of screens.

This week I implemented that feature. In the video below you can see that the list of available screens changes after a context switch:

All the existing screen features still work: One can create new screens, copy existing screens, delete and undelete screens.

The screens are even kept if a player loses a context. This can happen if they are no longer member of parliament and get re-elected at a later point. The screens they made during the first term are still available.

Also, there is a new monthly economic report available. This month we added b-fabs!

monthly economic report Click the image for the full report

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!