published on 15. Mai 2023 in devlog
Achievement Unlocked - Development Log #386
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published on 15. Mai 2023 in devlog
The language this post was written in (Englisch) differs from the one you have currently selected (Deutsch) as we do not have a translation available at this time.
In this week's devlog Michi talks about the original inspiration for the look and feel of the game's user interface.
Early in the week, I stumbled upon this gem in the in-game chat and had to share it immediately with the rest of the team:
This feels like a gamedev achievement 🏆️ for us devs, because it reminded us of the very early days of the game, where we discussed the game's look and feel. One of the original inspirations of the game's UI comes from the Bloomberg Terminal, a trading and information interface, that is widely used in the real world. It looks like this:
Source: wikipedia
The other big influence was our fascination for Air Traffic Control systems and how they look like and operate. They are highly specialized interfaces as well, have a high information density and high abstraction level.
So, having our game next to a real world banking system and no one noticing feels like we achieved our original vision for the game's look!
You might have noticed that I am talking about the leaderboards for the last few devlogs now and work seems to progress a bit slower than usual. This is true, and there are several reasons for that. Firstly, the month of May has a lot of public holidays, but more importantly is that I reduced my work hours a bit. This is due to me watching the kids more often, so my wife can start her job again after coming out of a parental leave.
As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!
Happy trading!