Twenty Twenty Licensee - Development Log #367

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Dear Licensees,

Welcome to 2023. The simulogics team hopes that everyone had a great holiday break and is feeling refreshed and ready for more business strategy and spreadsheets in space! The team has a lot to discuss for what's to come in 2023, so make sure you are keeping your eyes open for Prosperous Universe news once all of the team is back in the office.

We can share that there will be a maintenance release sooner rather than later that will clean up some bugs and introduce some new quality of life features. As we discussed previously, one of our big projects will also be the UI refresh that will give the game a modern facelift. We are excited to share more details with you as they become available, and thank you for your continued support!


As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!