Friend Code - Development Log #311

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Fabian explains how a up and coming Friend Referral System will work in the game, and everyone else is being a bit shady.

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Michi (molp)


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Fabian (Counterpoint)

One of the best ways to get into Prosperous Universe is to be guided by a friend who already knows the game. In the future, we want to incentivize this more via a friend referral system. You'll be able to forward a unique referral link or code to a friend registering a new account, so both your accounts will be linked in the game. Now, the first time the referred player decides to buy PRO license time, they will receive a bonus amount on top. This bonus amount will also be replicated for the referring player and added to their available PRO time (or even change their license in case they didn't have any PRO time available).

While this bonus system will be the core of the referral feature, we'll also look into embedding it during company creation, since it can often be quite overwhelming for new players. So for example, a planet where your friend already has a base could be pre-selected as a starting location, your friend's faction and base locations could be highlighted, and maybe your friend could even recommend a starting package and profession.

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Last week I was able to get a lot of small tasks done like website edits and finally get the landing page for Reddit ads done. I'm looking forward to getting back into ads now that we also have a system in place that will track users that come from ads in order to see how long they stay in the game. This is especially important since I want to know if the ads are bringing in quality players or not.

I was also able to work on little on the secret project that we are all being so dubious about currently. More news on that coming soon :) I am also working on getting more influencers for next month, and I sent out press releases for the mobile UI release. Busy week overall!

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As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!