Michi talks snapshotting and teases a new community contest! A new "Name THAT Planet" post is live in the PrUn Forum.

Michi (molp)
Last week the team decided to go to the movies and watch Dune. It's a fantastic movie and I can only recommend watching it. Hopefully they'll finish the second part soon! ;)
Anyways, since simulogics HQ is not right around the corner, I decided to stay there for two days and Martin and I had the chance to sit down and look into the snapshot topic he mentioned in his last devlog. We got pretty far, snapshots are working in the development environment for star systems. We also set up a new test framework to ensure that entities can indeed be loaded from snapshots. There is still a lot of work to be done though, and we are not exactly sure when we will get around to implement snapshotting for the more complex entities like companies for example. Knowing it works in general is provides peace of mind. Without looking into the concrete numbers, the amount of loading times for the entities feels about the same we had in the last universe after two years. This universe is only ~220 days old!
Fabian also paid a quick (and productive!) visit to the HQ, and we came up with a contest idea that we will present later this week in the forums. We think you'll like it, but it still needs some refinement. I can spoil the name, to get your imagination going: Faction Expansion Contest

I will also second that Dune is a great movie, and I am a newcomer to the franchise unlike the well-seasoned molp. Looking forward to more movie outings with the simulogics team!
Last week I mostly spent emailing and researching influencers since it has been awhile since our last big one. Big thanks for everyone that filled out my survey, because I am using that to contact many YouTubers that I have not seen before. To follow-up Michi's community contest idea, I decided to do another Name THAT Planet which is already live. Like always, we will first agree on some planets that need a name, vote on a planet, then vote on a name. This has been a fun event so please continue to join in and participate!
Also don't forget that we are hiring here at simulogics! There is a open position for a Game Community Manager for our other game, AirlineSim. Please let your friends and family know or apply yourself!
As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!
Happy trading!