Last Dev Standing – Development Log #207

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With Julian still in hospital and Martin providently staying in bed to dodge an oncoming cold, Michi is the last dev standing.

Avatar Michi

Michi (molp)

The important news first: Julian is recovering well and might be allowed to leave the hospital soon. We still don't know what happens then, e.g. how long he will be on sick leave. We keep you posted and wish him a speedy recovery!

I've been visiting family over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday, so with the other two being sick, this might be on of the shortest work weeks this project has ever seen :)

Nonetheless I got some work done: As you know, when the governance changes due to a governor being elected the production fees and local market fees might change as well. The governor can raise or lower the fees and the currency changes according to the governors (or her corporation's) faction affiliation. There has been no central place where we display that information yet and so I started to work on a new tile. I called it Local Rules, just like its internal data structure, just because I don't feel very creative this week and couldn't come up with a better name. Let me know if you like it or have a better alternative. This is a WIP screenshot of a planet with a governor (on the left) and one without. Local market fee data is still missing.

Local Rules

A governor will have a similar tile to change the fees, but I am still working on that.

See you next week!

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on Discord or the forums!

Happy trading!