Recruitment – Development Log #194

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This week has been mostly about one big thing: simulogics is hiring! If you are an experienced Game Systems Designer or Web Frontend Developer, you might want to check out our open positions.

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What a week… as it's usually the case, the first week after a vacation renders the positive effects of said vacation somewhat moot. There are just so many things that don't disappear during your absence but merely pile up. Combined with the fact that July was the first month after our annual team meeting - at which we decided to try a few organizational changes - my work this week was dominated by "management stuff" of all kinds.

I won't bore you with the details, but just highlight the two most important items:

  1. We finally decided to publish two new job ads, one for a game systems designer, one for a frontend developer. Actually creating these positions is still pending a funding application, but if we want to hire these people starting December, we need to start looking for them now. Please spread the word and let anyone know about these offers who might fit the profile!
  2. I set up the list of goals and work priorities for August, many of which revolve around the free-2-play release, of course.

Next week I'll be mostly away on contract work, so see you again with a more elaborate update in two weeks!

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Julian (Mjeno)

This week, I finalized the pre-production of our upcoming Free-to-Play trailer, paving the way for production to start next week! Martin liked the ideas I had for it and hopefully so will you guys.

I also took care of distributing the above mentioned job ads. You wouldn't believe how many relevant job listing websites there are, and how differently they function. Some let you post ads for free, but many won't. Some even require you to get in personal contact with the site owners before telling you anything about their conditions. All in all, it been's a somewhat tedious and frustrating endeavor, but now the ads are out there and hopefully being seen by the right people. If you want to help out, we'd appreciate a retweet!

Anyway, a lot of work has piled up on my end as well. I wish I had been on a vacation, but I've been sick since last Tuesday and I'm trying to catch up now. So if you don't mind, I gotta get back to it!

As always: we'd love to hear what you think: join us on the forums!

Happy trading!